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"Be The Reason"

"Be The Reason" By Winsome L. Culley

"Be the reason someone feels Seen, Heard, Valued, Appreciated and Supported"

"Be the reason someone Smiles daily"                                                                                

People underestimate the power of Genuine Kindness. Kindness is a Superpower (You can Change a Life and Save a Life) and we all have the ability to use it. You never know who needs you to simply Be Kind.

"Be the reason someone feels Loved and believes in the Goodness in People"                              

We all know how it feels to be doubted, misunderstood, underestimated and ignored. With this knowledge, we should also know by now how we wished we were treated during those times. By now we should've found a way to become the person we once needed...That's called Growth

“Imagine what 7 billion humans could accomplish if we loved and respected one another" -A.D. Williams

Imagine the day Kindness is trending...I purposely avoid "consistently inconsistent" people because I can't trust their Heart. How you treat and interact with people is who you are and speaks directly to your character. Every encounter, every interaction is an opportunity to have a positive and meaningful impact on someone's life.

Life Hack: Kindness is also Contagious, but pay close attention to those who take your:      

1. Kindness for Weakness                                                                                                            

2. Advantage of your Kindness

Believe in yourself, back Yourself and Love Yourself Enough to Fight for the Best Version of You.You are Loved and there's Absolutely NOTHING you can do about it!