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"Let Go"

What are you Letting go of in 2022?

Let go of Toxic people and relationships hindering you growth or disturbing the Peace you should be striving to protect daily. Set new boundaries and avoid "consistently inconsistent" people

Let go of excuses, procrastination and doubts delaying you from making you goals a reality.

Let go of past pain and start breaking all generational curses within you control.

Let go of unhealthy attachments to "things" and Social Media. Focus on life's experiences and the blessing of each new day.

Let go of self-doubt and start learning how to Love and appreciate everything about yourself. Fall in love with your Strengths and embrace your challenges.

Lett go of the broken branches in your life and be brave enough to grow new ones.

Let go of negativity by be so Positive that negativity can't stand to be around you

Let go of anything and everything keeping you from being the Best Version of yourself for you Family and everyone you care about.

Let's hold eachother accountable in 2022. You are Loved and there's Absolutely NOTHING you can do about it!